Construction progress at The Modern on February 3 2011
Almost halfway up: I can barely recall what the northeast corner of Richmond and Sherbourne Streets looked like up until three years ago; all I remember is that a busy 24-hour gas station — very popular with downtown taxi drivers — used to occupy the site. When I walked past this morning, I saw that construction of The Modern on Richmond, a 17-storey condo midrise, has reached the seventh floor. By this time next year, the location should become popular with cab drivers once again — for picking up and dropping off fares, rather than filling their tanks. Below is a building rendering from The Modern’s website, plus some of my photos of the site since the fall of 2008.
Building rendering from The Modern condos website
Condo sales office at The Modern on Richmond site Sept 3 2008
Excavation activity at The Modern condos site March 9 2010
Site viewed from Sherbourne Street just below Queen Street on March 17 2010
Construction approaches the second floor on November 9 2010
Construction approaches the second floor on November 9 2010
Occupancy this summer? Not a chance!
Building climbs above Sherbourne Street on February 3
View from Sherbourne looking south towards Richmond Street February 3
View from Richmond Street looking northeast on Sherbourne February 3
Construction at corner of Sherbourne and Richmond on February 3
Construction along Sherbourne Street on February 3
View from southwest corner of Richmond & Sherbourne February 3