Canada’s tallest condo reveals its morning aura


Aura condo tower

The 78-storey Aura condo tower had a shimmering, ethereal appearance in today’s early morning mist above downtown Toronto. Part of the College Park complex at Yonge & Gerrard Streets, Aura is the tallest condominium building in Canada. Below are several more pics of the tower displaying its aura. I shot the photos from my balcony five blocks to the northeast of Aura.



Aura condo tower



Aura condo tower



Aura condo tower



3 thoughts on “Canada’s tallest condo reveals its morning aura

    1. TOblogeditor Post author

      It wasn’t photoshopped — that’s exactly how the building looked that particular morning. I don’t really care what YOU would have preferred because those are the photos I took several years ago and I didn’t spend my time back then taking countless photos of how the building looked every minute of the day.


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