February 12 2013: Already standing in place at the ChazYorkville condo construction site are the mast, operator’s cab, and machinery & counterweight arm of the tall white crane being installed today. The long boom that extends diagonally toward the upper right corner of the photograph …
… is part of this portable crane, parked on Charles Street. It hoists segments of the construction crane off flatbed delivery trucks …
… and maneuvers them into position so crews can assemble the jib (working arm) that will eventually be lifted and attached to the fixed-place crane.
Chaz gets its crane: The block of Charles Street between Yonge and Church Streets is closed to traffic today as crews from Total Crane Rental install a tall white construction crane on the building site for the ChazYorkville condo tower.
The crane’s arrival appeared imminent in recent days as construction crews created a concrete pad for the crane’s base at the bottom of the 5-level-deep excavation for the 47-storey condo tower.
This is a nice and detailed documentary about the erection of a tower crane. Thanks for sharing and the crane picture gallery.
How do you add sections to get it higher. The Pears crane seems to be mounted on each floor as I don’t see it thru the building.